That which remains.

1 min readJul 5, 2021

Who are you?

You are what remains when everything else is gone.

You are not what your wear, nor what you dress.

You are not those things you call belongings.

You are not your money.

You are not your friends or family.

You are not your job, what you do or how you do it.

When everything else is gone, who are you?

You are not your body, you are not your thoughts.

You are not your hopes or dreams, you are not your beliefs.

You are what remains.

You are who you are.

And though you never change, you adapt.

You are the version of yourself who you believe is most likely to survive.

Or so they say.

And when that notion fails, you change, you adapt yourself.

You become different, so that you might survive.

So, it may appear as if you are all that which allows you to survive.

And at some levels, that is true. But false at the most fundamental one.

Because if you lost all of that which we have named, you would still be.

Who would you be? What is it that remains? That´s you.

Everything else, you can change.

That which cannot change, that is you.

Who are you?

I´ll ask again: Who are you? And, What is your Name?




Palabras pasajeras e historias duraderas. Lo que me sobra por un lado, me falta en ortografía y gramática.